Thursday, August 26, 2004


Remember the post 'Oil Price ah..Oil Price'? It seems like I was not the only who suspect that someone is hiding the oil....

THE current spike in oil prices is due to hoarding by India and China and this has created a shortage in the market, a senior energy market specialist said.

“The demand numbers (of India and China) are running double the expected growth rate and double the trend that we have seen in the past few years. That increased demand is not really a demand. It’s a type of hoarding,” he said.

“India. We don’t think of it as a smoke-stacked economy and was not as industrious as China or (South) Korea. China appears to be doing the same thing as well. Buying is fairly significant and it has created a vicious cycle. The question is: So, where is the oil disappearing to?

The difference between this SPECIALIST and my theory is that, I still think it is Rafidah who hides all the oil (seconded by Liama). If you don't believe, go and take a look at Rafidah, it has to be her.... Just take a look at her size


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