Thursday, June 23, 2005


Deputy Minister suspended over Dewan outburst
KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk S. Sothinathan has been suspended as Deputy Natural Resources and Environment Minister for three months effective yesterday for breaking ranks with the Government in Parliament.

“He is a member of the front bench and should not have taken a stand like what he did, criticising his own Government.” This, Abdullah added, “is certainly a breach of party discipline”.

I really want to write about this. I really do not like what I saw. I understand that I have not watched the tape (parlimen) and do not know what this Datuk Sothinathan ACTUALLY said. But based on what I read from the press, he touched the racial sensitive issue and he was suspended.

We Malaysia simply have this habit of sweeping everything under the racial carpet and I am very sick of it.


One of the duties of Parliment is to question Government decision and policies. If one is PUNIHSED for speaking his mind, there is something wrong. I know his MP is not suspended and his right is protected. But to suspend him from other post is merely saying to other MP, hey dun mess with me if you want power, status and money.

If the Government walk straight stand straight, it should not be afraid of being scrutinized and questioned.

We still have a loooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnng way to go.

I am very sad.



At 3:07 PM, Blogger Loc Kee said...

yup, can't remember so clear, 1 or 2 years ago, 2 Penang MCA rep was terminated becoz they voted opersite of others on some highway issue...

this is our govement.
"You are only with us or against us!!!"

At 3:48 PM, Blogger Jason Lioh said...

Check out my blog for details on RSS feed. ;) Wrote a post on it.

At 6:30 PM, Blogger Junior said...

Got it. Will use your posting to teach some of my uncle friends leh....cheers!!!!!

Thanks thanks thanks!


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