Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Wanna Get Married Ah?

新加坡男子上網“兜售”自己,愿意和外國女子假結婚,協助她們到新加坡居留。 這些單身漢開價3000到5000元(約6000到1萬令吉),只要有錢,他們愿意和外國女子注冊結婚。婚后,大家不住在一起,也不會有性關系。 而他們的“顧客”要到新加坡來,大多數是為了從事色情行業。

(Junior's Anglo-Sexan Translation: Basically the abstract says that many singaporean men are willing to 'sell themselves' to foreigners who want to get Singapore PR. They are willing to register with these girls (for the price of S$3000 to 5000) and after the 'marriage', they need not stay together or have sex. These girls who want to come into Singapore usually work in the noble sex industry)

Junior for SALE
If you are interested in gaining a PR to Ubenkiskanninia Republic, please deposit US$ 5,000 into my Swiss account. I am also very willing to marry you.....:D



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